Saturday, August 23, 2014

Welcome Week!

     I woke up August 20th with a nervous feeling because I was leaving my home with my comfy bed and my family that I have lived with for 18 years. The one thing I was really nervous for was not sharing a room with my twin. She is in Oco Taco(Ocotillo Hall) a hall away. Its only a five minute walk but, it feels like forever when I am used to her being right next to me. 
     When I pulled up with all of my dorm stuff the Welcome Week volunteers were screaming and I really didn't want to get out of the car. As I  made my way up to my dorm I was excited to meet the people I will be spending the next few months with. My roommates name is Sofia and she is really nice. We get along really well which is awesome.  The girl across the living room is Kelsey but I call her Jo. She is super fun and we get along really well she is like my sister. She is from Minnesota and up there crocs are a huge thing.  Shannon came a little late but, that all good. She is really chill and easy to get along with. 
      I have done lots of stuff during WelcomeWeek but my favorite by far has been Ignite. All the freshman go to this field and we light candles and the student body president prayed for the freshman and our school year to kick butt. It was really awesome! The second best was the mash up, where these students put on a skit to show what freshman year is all about. The students were so hilarious I went twice! 

     Tomorrow I have the Switch Foot concert and I am really excited to go because  GCU students get in for free also I have never been to one of their concerts I'm thinking Switch Foot will be fun. There are going to be plenty of concerts this year and I plan on going to most of them.
     I was really scared to start college but, I have come to realize that college is going to be fun and these are the moments we live for. Where we meet long lasting friends and where our careers take flight. 
"You get a strange feeling when you're about to leave a you'll not only miss the people you love but you'll miss the person you are now at this time and this place, because you will never be this way ever again."  -Azar Nafisi 

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