Sunday, October 5, 2014

From GCU to NAU

This week was full of ups and downs, but God got me through it just like he always does. On Monday I finally got to take dance class at my old dance studio and it felt like I never left. Except for the fact that I am no longer  part of the performance company. I have missed performing and competing so I have decided to audition for my schools dance team. The team is awesome and it would be such a great experience. The dance team looks like it is hard to get on so I am going to have to work extremely hard to reach this goal. On Wednesday I went to life group and my life leader was talking about judgment and how we are not supposed to judge, even though it is really hard. I have been working on it this week and I have discovered that sometimes without even knowing it, we judge people for the smallest things. Maybe not for what they are wearing, but for the way they eat a lollipop or how they stand at a concert. Speaking of concerts Wren and I went up to NAU, Northern Arizona Universty, to see Ashaliegh and to see this band called Tow'rs.
They are an American Folk band and they are sooooo good! They are in spotify and iTunes if you ever want to hear their music. Which you should.  Also in Flagstaff we went and saw the Phoenix Suns Scrimage game. It was really fun to be able to as the Suns palg against each other.
As the week comes to an end I am very thankful that I had another fun week to live. On Instagram the past few days I have been reading about a lot of young men being in critical condition in the ICU to even passing away. These boys have parents and friends who loved them and I couldn't even imagine loosing my brothers to accidents like these. One boy who touched my heart wand 16 year old Buddy wentworth.
He was a rider who was given the power award at MXON for being an aorta ding rider. He seems like an awesome guy who just wanted to have fun. As you can see in this picture.He crashed and had brain swelling and collapsed lungs. He infortunately didn't make it out of the hospital and I think the thins that got me the most about his passing was the fact that I thought we was going to be okay. I have only ever seen these youg men make it through like Bruce Cook who was paralyzed and is know beig able to ride his dirtbike again. There are plenty of success stories when it comes to riders falling and getting back up. For this young man, however he didn't back up. Don't be sad I have heard there was awesome tracks in heaven. This week was very insightful for me and I am glad I could share it with you. 
Until next week, 
          Your Lope 

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