Friday, September 26, 2014

These past weeks.

These past weeks have been really awesome and also really hard. I have not  posted in a few weeks because a lot has been going on. There was GO Week, exams, and essays due.  There has been a lot so her is a recap of the past couple weeks.
Go Week is a week that talks about global outreach and missions and such things. I have decided not to go on a missions trip this year, butI will try for one next year. There is this really cool thing they do during GO Week and it is called "Prayer for the Nations" the LOGO's team (local outreach and global outreach), puts two huge blackboards out by the Student Union and people can write prayers for the nations or for anything else they want to pray for. I thought this idea was really cool so I wrote on the board and you will just have to find what I wrote. 

 I think these boards came out really cool with all the different colors and styles of writing.

Along with GO Week and the missions we also went to this cute little antique road show called "Junk in the Trunk" for my friends, friend who has total kidney failure. We went to the show and bought these really cool shirts that say give "give life" along with the shirt there was this really cool bracelet that has 2 Corinthians 9:7  on them which says "Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver" I think that verse is so awesome because it is so true. Spencer is the girl who will be getting a kidney from her sister and this is their story through the eyes of Spencer " Twenty five million  American adults, including myself suffer from Chronic Kidney Disease. My name is Spencer and this year my disease has progressed to Stage 5 Renal Failure. Fortunately, my sister Kylie is a compatible living donor, sharing her love and giving me the gift of life on October 3, 2014. Kylie and I are compelled to bring awareness to the need for Organ Donation". That is some of their story and I cant wait to see how this experience changes their lives. You can keep updated on this two awesome women in Instagram @royalbowtique. 
The past few weeks have been full of fun times, but one thing that happened that I really didnt realize would happen was being homesick. I only live 20 minutes from campus, but not seeing my family everyday is a lot harder than I thought. I live with a girl who is from the good ole state of Minnesota and she made me think about what real homesickness means. If that is even a word.  She cant go home all the time like I can and she has made me realize that even when I do not want to be with my family, I need to be thankful that they are here. She doesn't get to see her family until Christmas and I could never imagine that. 
College is full of new experiences and journeys that I am happy to have but college also comes with sadness and hard times. All I can say without God I could not get through all of this. He really does give me strength and he is always there when i need him.
    Until next week. Maybe.

                                                                                 Your Lope

Saturday, September 6, 2014

What a week it was

    This week was fun for the most part. I had a few downs, but this week was full of ups. On Friday after class my sister and I went up to flagstaff to see our bestest friend Ashleigh and I have never been so excited to see Ashleigh. We brought her back down the the valley and here came the down; we had to leave her again. The next day was tons of fun! 
     For Labor Day the family went to mile marker 12 for some dirtbike riding. This is definitely a family favorite and we even got to bring my little niece to get her first taste of what this fine machines are all about. We crashed and got bruises but we never had a bad moment. Which for is Doyle's is rare. Riding with the family made me realize that you have to have the bad days in order to love the good days. My friend told me once that if you expect the good things all the time then the good things cannot be a gift. That day at mile marker 12 was a true gift. 
     Wednesday came and it was back to school. I love my classes, but sometimes I have no idea how I will get things done. I did however and then Friday came and I went to this worship thing that all the GCU students go to called Renew and I was feeling uneasy do to something's that have happened during the day and a few  days back. I won't go into the details but I will say that everything turned out okay. This week was one of the craziest and it has taught me a lot about me self. 
"We do not remember days, we remember moments."
-Cesare Pavese